Benefits of the PyraLight
Pain Relief
Reduced Inflammation
Enhanced Recovery
Improved Sleep Quality
Non-invasive & Safe
Deep Meditative States

Liiightwavez is a platform dedicated to bringing light and healing to the world through a variety of services. We primarily offer PyraLight therapy, as well as shamanic healing and spiritual art.
PyraLight Sessions
Experience the PyraLight in a sacred space of your choosing on the island of O'ahu.
Shamanic Healing
Discover your totem animals and embark on a vision quest afterwards to connect with your Soul Essence.
Channeled Art
Explore the art gallery and receive a personalized spiritual art piece.
You May Experience...
Deep Relaxation 😌
Whole-Body Wellness 🧘
Old Energy Releasing 💫
Chakra Alignment
Your Spiritual Guides 😇🦁🧚👽
Physical Comfort 💪
Emotional Healing 🥹
Creative Flow States 🖼️
3rd Eye Activation 🧿
Past Life Visions 👁️
Reduced Acute / Chronic Pain 🤕
Mental Clarity 🧠
Light Bulb Moments 💡
Astral Travel 🌌
Akashic Records Access ✨
"Before PyraLight, I had a hard time attaining a deep meditative state. I used Noise Cancelling headphones, PyraEyes, and the nasal prong while on PyraLight which added to my experience. My mind immediately relaxed and I began to feel less stressed. PyraLights would benefit anyone who has a hard time quieting their mind and meditating. I immediately felt more relaxed and balanced."
- Frances
"As an avid meditator this Pyra Light experience with Dean was like a “cherry on top”. This has accentuated the very calming and soothing effects of meditation. Dean held the whole experience in a safe and patient container. And the integration was just astounding. I highly recommend this healing modality. Thank you Dean."
- Genesis
"From one Pyralight session I noticed significant deepening of relaxation and subsequent meditative states. I can only imagine the health benefits of incorporating this into one's lifestyle. Thank you Dean for introducing this amazing technology."
- Greg
"This was my first session using the PyraLight. I've tried many different energy healing modalities from tuning forks to sound bowl healing to Reiki. I wanted to try the whole combo so I did the PyraEyes, nostrils and the pad. I am very familiar with energy work as I am an energy healer as well an avid biohacker. I did a short one of 15 minutes just to try. I am usually skeptical when trying something new as I must vibe the intention as well as the practitioner. Dean was able to show me concrete studies and the spiritual benefits. This is definitely a different approach as it helps you bypass the ego and go straight into a meditative state in a matter of minutes. Immediately I started seeing shapes which evolved into different scenes like I was accessing the Akashic records. I felt calm the whole time, and I felt my cells physically restructuring.
I would definitely use it longer next time. After the treatment I was relaxed, yet felt revitalized like the synapses in my brain were firing at optimal level.
Thank you Dean for holding space, and providing these treatments! I look forward to another vision quest!"
- Maggie
"A wondrous experience unlike any before that can't quite be captured in words — only in firsthand experience. I entered the session and was offered purified water as I sat on a padded yoga mat, the room still in the ambient soundtrack of a Shinto mountaintop shrine. I didn't have much thought going into the session. Meditation is difficult for me to maintain due to my ADHD. After five minutes of holding the Pyralight tablet and wearing the headset, it felt like my mind was clear of noise and I was detached from the material plane. I took the time to comb through the akashic records with my higher self and guides. What was a twenty-minute session felt like hours, and I have never felt more relaxed and at ease. Truly, I could not recommend this experience more."
- Christian
"I was looking forward to trying out the Pyralight and was open to any experience it may provide. The Pyralight made me focus on the scintillating light and the music beat/tempo, creating a stream of visual, almost hallucinogenic journey as visualized through my 3rd eye. I felt very relaxed and was comfortable and felt at peace. I would definitely recommend Pyralight to anyone who is searching for an innovative way to focus and visualize timelines using the 3rd eye."
- Chris